
2 months?!

Shit. I haven’t posted in two months. I’m still trying to figure out wtf I’m doing, why I’m doing it, and in what direction I want to take this little blog of mine. Oh yeah, I’m over-thinking it like a crazy person. Still. There’s no good reason for not posting in the mean time. I […]

Filling the void

It usually starts with a good feeling. Something reminds me of you, and I remember when we were friends.  The gut wrenching void of your absence usually hits right after that and I miss you something fierce.  Sometimes it almost knocks the wind out of me.  I’m not sure if “friends” is a strong enough […]

To anyone and everyone who is beautiful, talented, and doubting his (or her) worth

You are Amazing. You are exactly where you are supposed to be right now because that is where you are.  Right now. You are an inspiration to others.  There are people who would love to be you – looking the way you look, doing what you do.  Seeing you do it shows them that it […]

Well, that didn’t work!

I’m not a big fan of seeing failure as an end result. Fortunately I’ve learned to reframe failure to mean “an undesirable result that wasn’t what I was aiming for.” That way, when I faceplant, I don’t stay there. I get up and move on to the next faceplant.  😛 This blog is a self-indulgent […]

J’ai les jambes!

Several years ago, a friend and I had a discussion about those supposedly “feel-good” types of posts and stories about people who “managed to find happiness despite terrible circumstances,” and how awful we felt about them. Granted, I am quite certain that we both had clinical depression at the time, but that isn’t the point. […]