To anyone and everyone who is beautiful, talented, and doubting his (or her) worth

You are Amazing.

You are exactly where you are supposed to be right now because that is where you are.  Right now.

You are an inspiration to others.  There are people who would love to be you – looking the way you look, doing what you do.  Seeing you do it shows them that it is possible.

Life is not a zero-sum game.  Life is about expansion.  The more you succeed, the more success there is in the world.  The better you get, the better we all get.

You don’t need to suffer or feel bad because you have what others want.  You are not taking anything away from them.  You are giving them hope.  You are sharing your gifts with them by doing your best, being your best self, and succeeding.  Be Happy!  Be happy because that shit is contagious!

The people who hate you and want to see you fail will not magically become better people if you fail, or fall into ruin.  They will simply find another to hate, because that is who they are.  It isn’t about you.  It only feels like it because you are their current target.  I promise you that you are not their first, last, or only target.  Disregard them, as they disregard you.  Until they stop hating themselves, nothing you do will help them.

Look instead to those you help.  Look at the people who light up when you walk into a room, post a video, or upload another blog post.  Look at the people whose day brightens at seeing your latest tweet.  Look at a sunset, a sunrise, an ocean, or a mountain.  Look at things that remind you of what matters to you.  Look at the things that remind you that you matter.  Because, I assure you, You Matter.

Chances are, you matter a hell of a lot more than you could possibly imagine.  You probably matter to people who aren’t even on your radar.  If you give up, break down, hide, or go away permanently, someone’s heart will break.  Someone will feel more pain than you would wish upon your worst enemy.  Please believe that you are loved.  Because, whether you realize it or not, someone cares about you.

Most of us have days when we feel small, or completely insignificant.  Think about that time you felt like a total loser until one person hit “Like” on that stupid thing you posted on Facebook.  Or when your hands were full and a stranger looked into your eyes, smiled, and held the door open for you.

I know it’s ridiculous.  We are all ridiculous sometimes.  It’s okay!  Be ridiculous once in a while.  Then pull yourself out of it and go find other people who are being ridiculous and share something – anything – to distract them from their ridiculousness.

It’s remarkable how easy it is to bring joy into the world.  When you do, you’ll have something to think about the next time you start to feel ridiculous or unworthy.When you are at a restaurant and your waitress does a great job, look her in the eye and tell her sincerely what you appreciate about her service.  Leave her a good tip, of course, but the honest compliment might leave a more lasting impression.  You might even make her day.  Imagine all of the complaints and negativity she probably hears every shift.

If you see the cleaning team at work, picking up after you and your coworkers, make eye contact and say “thank you.”  It’s painful to see how invisible some people can be to others.  Look around.  See people.

Get off of your phone when you’re in the checkout line.  Talk to the person who is working for you and putting your items into bags.  Engage in conversation.  Don’t just bitch about things.  Tell him a funny story.  Be different.  He’s a person, too.  He’s probably tired and maybe feeling unappreciated and slightly used up.  Tell him to have a nice day, and mean it.

Then take your own advice and have a nice day, yourself.  Have a great day, if you want!  They are there for the taking, and you have every right to as many of them as you can handle.